What is grief coaching?

A grief coach is someone who actively listens and serves as a guide on your journey with grief, loss, and heartache. Together we co-create a plan that allows you the time and space you need for inner healing so that you can live your life with more gratitude, inner peace, and joy.

Get Started Now

The heaviness of grief is a burden you were never meant to carry alone.

What's your grief?  

Typically, grief is most commonly thought of when someone passes away. But it's actually more complex and can show up under any number of circumstances.

We grieve the death of loved ones. We grieve when there is a divorce, separation, or a friendship ends. We grieve when we lose a job or have financial issues. We grieve when natural disasters strike our homes. We grieve political, racial, and social injustices. We grieve our health when we get bad news from the doctor. And the list goes on and on.


Grief Coaching May Be For You If... 

  •  Your thoughts revolve solely on who or what you lost.

  •  You feel drained, lethargic, and unable to take care of daily living activities or take care of yourself.

  •  Your faith is shaken, and you wonder why God allowed this to happen to you.

  •  You feel alone, weak, and powerless in your grief.

  •  You feel like you’re isolating yourself from family and friends because no one gets it.

  • You feel like you do not have closure and have unresolved feelings over your loss.

  •  You can’t see a way forward and wonder what your future holds without this person or loss.

  •  You feel like you don’t have control over the rollercoaster of emotions.

  •  You hold back your real emotions, feelings, and thoughts from others because you don’t think they will understand it.

  •  You have been waiting for “time to heal all wounds” and feel that nothing has worked yet. 

What are the benefits of grief coaching? 

  • Feeling empowered
  • Improved communication with your family, friends, and loved ones.
  • Increase in focus and productivity at work and home.
  • Greater accountability and support.
  • Collaborating to co-create a plan that works for you.
  • Opportunities for feedback and deeper insight.
  • Becoming acutely aware of how you cope when life happens.
  • Improved confidence and self-esteem.
  • More motivation to create the life that will support you both now and in the future.

My 7 Beliefs About Grief Coaching... 

  • Everyone grieves in different ways, and that's more than okay.
  • You need a customized experience tailored to your background, beliefs, and life.
  • It's crucial to process uncomfortable emotions instead of avoiding them or stuffing them down.
  • Consider looking at your coping mechanisms.
  •  Be proactive when it comes to your inner and outer well-being.
  •  Accountability needs to be a vital element in your journey.
  •  Look at the past and the present and co-create a plan for the future.

Are You In? Here's What to Do Next.

If any of the above hits  home, then let’s chat. The next step is to schedule a consultation call. Here's how it will work.

You'll fill out an assessment with 11-questions. Once you submit the form, you'll receive an email with a link to my calendar. You'll pick a time that works best with your schedule. On the call, we will discuss your answers to the form and determine if this a fit for both of us.

PROMISE: Grief and mental health are no joke. I take it seriously and don’t mess around. If I think you need more help than I can provide or anything goes beyond the scope of my qualifications, I will help you find someone else who is a qualified and a fit for you.

Want group coaching? For virtual or in-person group coaching, please email [email protected].

Take Assessment

Your answers will show how we can serve you and how ready you are for coaching.

Pick Day and Time

Choose what works best with your schedule. This call is 30-45 minutes long.

Discovery Call

We'll discuss your situation and determine if we are a fit to work together.

Get Started Now

Ready for Coaching?

Take this quiz to see if you are ready for personal one-on-one coaching.

Start Now

Grab Your Gift 

Here's a question for you:

Is it possible to find gratitude when you’re grieving? Yes. But admittedly, it's not always easy.

You don't need to pretend to be positive all day long when you are grieving to make others feel more comfortable. But it is possible to find 60-seconds each day to be thankful, even if you feel angry, confused, and you simply don't feel like it. This guide shows you how to do it and gives you an unexpected twist that takes this common practice to the next level. 


This is a 100% customer-funded and female-owned small business driven to support others during seasons of heartache, grief, and pain. Thank you for spending time here today and sharing with those you love.